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How do I redistribute, from a techincal point of view


I've just downloaded a trial version and included the dll in an InstallShield setup. After running the installer on another machine nothing works. My guess is that it's a licensing problem. How do I install the DLL on the customer's machine?


If you're using the DLL or ActiveX edition of Quick PDF Library, then all you need to distribute with your application is the single file that is associated with that edition. If you're using the Delphi edition, then you don't need to distribute anything with your application after it's been compiled successfully.

In the scenario you've outlined, the issue wouldn't be the license -- as the license should already be embedded into your application.

Here are some tips for each edition:

ActiveX Edition: The ActiveX edition is placed in the following location (unless you changed the default installation location) by default:

C:\Program Files\Quick PDF Library\ActiveX\QuickPDFAX0718.dll

This is the only file that you need to distribute with your application if you're using the ActiveX edition. However, since you're using an ActiveX, you need to register it on the machine that you will use it on. Read the ActiveX edition getting started guide for more info.

DLL Edition: The DLL edition is placed in the following location (unless you changed the default installation location) by default:

C:\Program Files\Quick PDF Library\DLL\QuickPDFDLL0718.dll

This is the only file that you have to distribute with your application if you're using the DLL edition. However, in your application (when you're programming it) you have to specify a path to the DLL and when you distribute your application this path must stay the same.

For example, if you told your application (tools.exe) too look in the same folder as tools.exe for Quick PDF Library's DLL, then the DLL must be in the same folder as tools.exe in order for the application to function correctly.

So long as your application knows exactly where to look, the DLL can technically be located anywhere. Read the DLL edition getting started guide for more info.

Delphi Edition: The Delphi edition is placed in the following directory (unless you changed the default installation location) by default:

C:\Program Files\Quick PDF Library\Delphi

As Delphi programmers will know, when you compile your application the necessary DCU files are automatically included into the application exe, so it's not necessary to distribute any Quick PDF Library files with your application. Read the Delphi edition getting started guide for more info.

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