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Rotated pages do not print?


I have some VB6 code the successfully rotates pages in memory and saves the resulting PDF back to the original file. When I then use Quick PDF to print that document, it shows the original orientation. I am trying to rotate even pages so that the person looking at the printed document can just filp the page (in landscape) to see the reverse side.

I am using 7.22 BETA (but the issue exists in 7.19 also). Running on Windows 2000 Professional and the code is VB 6 ... see below:

Dim Result As Long
Dim QuickPDF As QuickPDFAX0722.PDFLibrary
Set QuickPDF = CreateObject("QuickPDFAX0722.PDFLibrary")

Dim startPage As Integer
Dim EndPage As Integer
startPage = 1

Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusFileName(App.Path & "\GDIPLUS.DLL")
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(0, 0)
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(1, 0)
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(2, 0)

If QuickPDF.UnlockKey(KEY) = 1 Then

    Result = QuickPDF.LoadFromFile(pdfFile)
    Call QuickPDF.SetNeedAppearances(1)

    docPages = QuickPDF.PageCount
    printerName = QuickPDF.GetDefaultPrinterName
    printerOptions = QuickPDF.PrintOptions(0, 1, QuickPDF.GetDocumentFileName)

    Result = QuickPDF.PrintDocument(printerName, 1, docPages, printerOptions)

 End If

Public Static Sub rotateEvenPages(ByVal pdfFile As String)

Dim Result As Long
Dim QuickPDF As QuickPDFAX0722.PDFLibrary
Set QuickPDF = CreateObject("QuickPDFAX0722.PDFLibrary")

Dim startPage As Integer
Dim EndPage As Integer
startPage = 1

Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusFileName(App.Path & "\GDIPLUS.DLL")
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(0, 0)
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(1, 0)
Call QuickPDF.SetGDIPlusOptions(2, 0)

If QuickPDF.UnlockKey("jf6jp55o4f38ub4hj6m18jb9y") = 1 Then

    Result = QuickPDF.LoadFromFile(pdfFile)

    Dim numberOfPages As Long
    Dim fieldMaxLen As Long
    Dim fieldWidth As Double
    Dim fieldHeight As Double
    Dim fontSize As Long
    Dim textForFieldLen As Long
    Dim textForField As String
    Dim fieldName1 As String
    Dim currentFieldTextSize As Double
    Dim numberOfChars As Double
    Dim fVal As String
    Dim x As Long

    numberOfPages = QuickPDF.PageCount

    If numberOfPages > 1 Then

        For x = 2 To numberOfPages Step 2
            Result = QuickPDF.SelectPage(x)
            QuickPDF.UpdateAppearanceStream (Result)
            Result = QuickPDF.RotatePage(270)
            QuickPDF.UpdateAppearanceStream (Result)
            Result = QuickPDF.SaveToFile(pdfFile)
        Next x

    End If

End If

End Sub


Thanks for reporting this issue. I'm happy to report that it has been fixed and the fix was included in the 7.22 beta 2 release and will be included in all versions from 7.22 onwards.

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