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PageWidth difrent from DAGetPageWidth


I'm testing QuickPdf Library and i'm trying to copy one image from one pdf to another, and get an error regarding the image position. I have made same tests and got that PageWidth is difrent from DAGetPageWidth one gives me 612.0 and the other 595.35. I think that is the cause for my image to be set in a difrent location. How can I work arrond that? Here is the code (I got it from this forum..):

PDFLibrary QP = new PDFLibrary();
int FileHandle = QP.DAOpenFile(FileName, "");
int PageRef = 0;
string PageText = "";
string Font = "";
string color = "";
string size = "";
string x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;
string word = "";
byte[] ImageData;

for (int i = 1; i <= QP.DAGetPageCount(FileHandle); i++)
    // Create a emptly document in memory
    int NewId = QP.NewDocument();
    // Get Page reference
    PageRef = QP.DAFindPage(FileHandle, i);
    // Get Page Text in CSV format. with the following Format
    //Font Name, Text Color, Text Size, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, Text
    PageText = QP.DAExtractPageText(FileHandle, PageRef, 4);
    string[] TextLines = PageText.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());

    foreach (string line in TextLines)
    // parse required for each line
    string[] DataFields = line.Split(",".ToCharArray());
    Font = DataFields[0];
    color = DataFields[1];
    size = DataFields[2].Trim();
    x1 = DataFields[3];
    y1 = DataFields[4];
    x2 = DataFields[5];
    y2 = DataFields[6];
    x3 = DataFields[7];
    y3 = DataFields[8];
    x4 = DataFields[9];
    y4 = DataFields[10];
    word = DataFields[11].Replace("\"", "");

    // Set text font size
    // Draw text to new docmuent
    QP.DrawText(Convert.ToDouble(x1), Convert.ToDouble(y1) - QP.GetTextDescent(), word);
{ ;}
    // Get image list reference
    int ImageListId = QP.DAGetPageImageList(FileHandle, PageRef);

    for (int j = 1; j <= QP.DAGetImageListCount(FileHandle, ImageListId); j++)
// Convet image data into byte array
QP.AddImageFromVariant(ImageData, 0);
// Retrieve images top,left, height and width

    ------->    double pw = QP.PageWidth();
double pH = QP.PageHeight();

int pageHandle = QP.DAFindPage(FileHandle, 1);
    ------->    double pwd = QP.DAGetPageWidth(FileHandle, pageHandle);
double pHd = QP.DAGetPageHeight(FileHandle, pageHandle);
double imgLeft = QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 501);
double imgTop = QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 502);
double imgWidth = QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 503) - 
QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 501);
double imgHeight = QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 502) - 
QP.DAGetImageDblProperty(FileHandle, ImageListId, j, 508);

// Draw image to new document
QP.DrawImage(imgLeft, imgTop, imgWidth, imgHeight);

    // Save each page to new file increment by one
    QP.SaveToFile("C:\\XPod" + Convert.ToString(i) + ".pdf");

This issue has been resolved in the latest version of Quick PDF Library. You can update to the latest version on our Product Updates page.

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